jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

WEB QUEST: Environmental problems


Nowadays it is very important to make everybody aware of the serious problems our planet is facing, and also to get involved in any activity which means looking for solutions or doing our bit to improve the situation.
The aims of this WebQuest are:
· To find out as much as possible about the different environmental processes that are taking place
· To elaborate a booklet explaining and illustrating those processes, adding possible solutions and practical things we can do in our daily lives
· To share that information with the rest by carrying out oral presentations

In groups of four students (1º Bachillerato) they will have to gather information about these aspects:
Global warming, greenhouse effect, deforestation, water pollution, melting of ice caps, acid rain, floods and ozone layer
The information must include the definition of the different items given, causes and consequences and, most important, possible solutions.
You have to use the resources given and share what you find out. As there are eight items, every student could focus on two of them. When the data are completed, the group should design and develop a booklet, selecting images from the resources. And finally, they should prepare an oral exposition of their work.
The students will have 3 lessons to look for the information required. They can use the general resources given below:
· http://www.lenntech.com/environmental-problems.htm
· http://epa.gov/climatechange/kids/difference.html
· http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction
· http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/specials/articles/0,6709,1113542,00.html
· http://www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk/topics/environment.html
· http://www.myclimatechange.net
· http://www.science.howstuffworks.com
· http://www.effectofglobalwarming.com/how-to-reduce-global-warming.html
· http://www.product.thinkfree.com/tfpress/AcidRain.ppt
· http://www.authorstream.com/presentation/hemafulara-66580-green-house-effect-entertainment-ppt-powerpoint/
· http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto-Protocol
· http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/kyoto.htm

They can also check these sites to watch some videos or find useful images:
· http://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en./photos-and-video
· http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XMn_Ry3z6M
· http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIxCcbsqnsE&feature=channel_page

After gathering all the information, the group will organize it to make a
booklet which will include all their findings, steps that have been taken
so far to minimize these environmental processes and things we,
ordinary people, can do to help. They will have two weeks to do it.
Finally, every student in the group will prepare an oral presentation to
explain their classmates what they have learnt on the topic. This part of
the project will be carried out as homework.

The students will be evaluated this way:
Brilliant (3) Average (2) Poor (1)
Searching information No problem/ Some help needed / Problems
Use of resources Contrast & transformation/ Not many changes/ Copied
Individual work Completed/ Almost done/ Just started
Oral presentationCorrect grammar & vocab./ Some grammar mistakes/ Many mistakes
Booklet Very good design / Good design / Poor design
The maximum score should be 15 points

By doing this WebQuest our students will learn a lot of vocabulary on the topic, but they will learn many things about our environment as well. And what’s more, they may feel somehow responsible for the future of our planet and take a decision: to start doing something to improve it!