jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

Books made into films

Books made into films

    John Boyne is an Irish writer who has written some interesting books. One of these books , aimed at young readers, has been made into a film. Do a little research and find out which book I’m referring to:
    You can visit his official website and learn how many books he’s written so far: johnboyne.com

     Your next task is easy: click on this link and read an article about Boyne’s ideas on literature and writing. Then answer a set of activities based on that article.
After reading it, give answers about these aspects:
  1. When he decided to become a writer.
  2. Whether he writes for adults, children or both.
  3. When he wrote his first book or story.
  4. Whether he did a degree related to Languages or Literature.
  5. Where and when he was born.
Now, a little research on the film based on the book. Watch the official trailer on youtube (here is the link: https://youtu.be/9ypMp0s5Hiw )
Now answer these questions:
1.    When do you think the story takes place?

2.    What was happening in Europe at that time?

3.    What is the relationship between the two boys?

4.    What is the “lesson” we learn through this story?

5.    If you haven’t read the book or seen the film, make a guess and write down how the story ends. Comment with your classmates, have you thought of the same ending?